4 years ago
heather and family
my old nieghbour and best friend love you always so many good memories when are kids where small all the walks through the woods singing glory glory man united the times you looked after scott when he was a baby when I wasn't well but I never let you have him over night that was a step to far I will always be grateful for those days the nights we went clubbing to the gardens nightclub in yeovil and we seen so many of the groups from the sixties and going to the takeaway after not getting home till 3 in the morning and I had to go to work at 8 and you could stay in bed but it was worth every minute good times scott always says no one can make homemade chips like you he didn't know what you did to them but they were delicious sat here crying while writing this so hard to think I will never see you again I will love you and remember you forever and will always be there for my goddaughter anne xx